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Redwood forests need indigenous water protectors to save them!

The Pomo people have lived, loved, sung, worked, danced, and dreamed in Redwood forests for millennium! Yet in the100 years since their lands were stolen, 95% of (more below)

the redwoods have been harvested for timber; their massive stumps dot the landscape in many places along the California coast; millions of fish in Redwood forest watersheds like Tc’ih-Léh-Dûñ have perished and the fish continue to die today (below see an amazing video of baby fish swimming about in in an indigenous restored Redwood forest stream within the lands recently returned to the tribes). Salmon, trout, and many other aquatic species need wildlife corridors in Redwood forests in order to travel to the ocean to eat and grow big. Please bring your dignified rage the California' capital city on Wednesday, Sept. 28 ~ join us in person, or via in your hearts, dreams, and social media ~ at the California Natural Resources Agency, 715 P Street in Sacramento, CA from 11am to 4pm to fight climate change by demanding "Pomo Land Back!" | "No more Broken Promises"| "Protect Sacred Sites!" #PomoLandBack.

Experience an underwater video of tiny fish living happily in a Redwood forest watershed being restored today with indigenous knowledge, heart, and ownership. This special place is called , which means where the water is born. A broad coalition of people and organizations ensures lasting protection for Tc’ih-Léh-Dûñ, tribal stewardship of the forest, and the prevention of habitat loss, commercial timber operations, construction and development. The plan is to apply a blend of Indigenous place-based land guardianship principles, conservation science, climate adaptation and fire resiliency concepts and approaches to help ensure lasting protection and long-term healing for Tc’ih-Léh-Dûñ and its diverse flora and fauna. The underwater video glances of fish in the Redwood water shed is beautiful enough to make you cry.

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